Size:1 PACK The most popular mixer for Teisseire in France is plain water for a flavorful thirst quencher (1 part syrup to 7 times water). Hence the cries in a French cafe for un lait fraise (milk with strawberry syrup), un Perrier menthe ( Perrier with mint syrup), une tomate (pastis and grenadine syrup), une mauresque (pastis and orgeat syrup), un diabolo fraise (lemonade and strawberry syrup), or un tango (beer with grenadine syrup).Fruit syrups have always been a part of the French way of drinking, whether mixed with water, Perrier, lemonade, milk, pastis, or even beer.

  • No preservatives or harmful chemicals
  • Imported from France
  • Try in desserts, as a topping, in tea or coffee
  • Used in France to make natural lemonade, with still or sparkling water
  • Makes a great topping for panna cotta, ice cream pudding
  • Packaging May Vary